Friday, September 21, 2012

Gotta Take a Breath

Okay, so I wanted to get back into the blogging thing, and honestly, I've been terrible at it. Life has gotten pretty crazy though, so that's why. Here's the latest scoop:

I currently work at a PetSmart near the apartment. I'm just a cashier, but it's fun. They initially told me they would train me in everything except grooming and stocking - which by the way, meant I would get certified in dog training - and now based on some other factors - that I'll get into in a minute - I won't be trained in anything else. Which is unfortunate, it means I don't get to play with the birds, hamsters, lizards and fish, but it also means I get to see all the pretty puppies that walk through the door.

I want a dog. I don't actually remember life pre-dog, and I think that's part of my problem. I think the other part is I have never really had a dog that I didn't like. Some of them are pains in the tookus - TIBERIUS - but I've never owned a dog that I didn't absolutely adore. So now, I'm seeing dogs and puppies daily, and missing my own dogs and REALLY WANT A DOG OF MY OWN. Tristan and I have FINALLY agreed on the fact that we both would ADORE for our first dog to be a husky baby, but we simply can't afford one right now.
I see huskies every. single. day. Seriously, I never STOP seeing huskies. There are days where more huskies walk through the doors at work than any other kind of dog, and it's driving me insane! Sometimes they come in all at once, and then I don't have to worry about them, but sometimes, I see one almost every hour. Recently, I saw upwards of 15 huskies.... all with single dog owners... If you think there are like 400 dogs running around PetSmart every day you have another thing coming, we don't get that many dogs... so my luck: all the dogs that walk into the store are huskies now, because I want one. It very seriously didn't help that I once saw a dog that made me do a double take. A light red male husky walked through the door, and I saw him, smiled and then looked again with wide eyes. He looked almost exactly like my parents' first husky, Nanook. What worse? When I finally got the nerve to talk to the owner - he came up to my register - the dog's name was, no lie, Nanook. I think the gods are trying to smack me around a bit before I manage to get a dog.

Iiiiiii'm moving! Yes! Again! I just got here to South Carolina about three months ago, and then a few weeks ago IP comes to Tristan and says, "Oh, hey, you're going to get a call from Augusta soon, you're moving there at some point." So we wait a total of three weeks, get the Augusta plant in some SERIOUS trouble for NOT calling, and get a paragraph and a half of information and a two minute phone call. Want out information? "You're coming here in four days to look things over and talk with us, and then we'll give you a tour of Augusta" then, the day he is supposed to be leaving, "Oh, hey, dinner with us tonight!" Did I mention Augusta is an hour away?? LOL That was Monday. I still don't know when we're moving, except that we're moving "in the first quarter of next year" and that Tristan is off in Augusta now getting a tour and talking to some higher ups. Hopefully, I'll get more information later today. Can you tell it's so frustrating to me? I don't handle stress, or moves, very well. So, soon, I'll NOT be packing up my things - the company will pay for it as long as we let the moving guys come in and pack everything up - and moving my little butt to GA.

I'm going to try to not only be better about my blogging, but also about my working out. I look down and go, "Oh god, where did THAT come from." Now, they're not just food babies... I was actually asked how far along I was while I was at work one day... yes... I'm so fat now that someone thought I was pregnant when she saw me behind the counter and with my baggy unisex uniform on... FANTASTIC. SO, When Tristan gets back, I'm making him do Insanity with me. Well, it'll probably be more likely that he'll be making ME do insanity. Since he's the ONLY reason I went running last week, and the ONLY reason I've been doing ab workouts this week. I'm kind of tired of this flab, and not actually feeling comfortable in ANYTHING I wear anymore. I'm also tired of not being able to get my stomach to not hang over my pants when I finally get them buttoned... Soooo, here's to our sanity while we complete insanity.

We cook, well, we used to cook. We both LOVE cooking, although our stress levels have been so high that lately we've gotten lazy. And Tristan hates shopping so there's rarely the stuff to cook with unless we pre-plan everything. But we should probably start eating, and eating well, once we start insanity. I'm going to wind up looking online through those cook books that people recommend while you go on those super super super awf....awesome.. awesome... not awful... workout routines. But that'll mean more experimenting in the kitchen! When I first moved here we cooked FAR TOO OFTEN and wound up pitching more leftovers than food we actually ate, but that's mostly because most recipes are meant to feed families, not couples. So we wind up eating leftovers at work a lot. We still do now, but we've found that if we let ourselves be SUPER LAZY one day a week, we can cook two or three days a week and get by with lunches at work and dinners at home. But we rate all the recipes we make. On a pretty basic, yes or no, scale. When we take a few bites, we decide whether or not it's good, and then decide whether or not it's good enough for me to go through the trouble of writing it down in our new recipe book! YAY! We legitimately just bought a scrapbook, and I write the recipes on blank pages and then put them in the proper category. The scrapbook is small - only a 6x6 - but it works for us so far! It's a GREAT idea to not only gather new recipes, but keep the ONE recipe you liked out of that recipe book that is collecting dust on the shelf with your other favorites. I've got the three or four recipes from home that came out of a couple of different books and people that I LOVE, and it's all in ONE LOCATION, I love it. Especially since, living in an apartment, while we have a whole empty room, we have to find room for some things. We even have a scrapbook for things like drink mixes. I'm trying to come up with a way for us to save our favorite beers in there too, like cut off the labels on the boxes, or peel them off of the bottles and stick them to pages before putting them into the book. That way we always know! (although, we should probably keep three sections for those - one for my favorites, one for his, and one for the ones we both like - since we have WILDLY different tastes in beer. It's fun sometimes coming up with names for the random mixes we have, and Tristan was already a pretty good bar keep by the time I got here, so I'm TRYING to coerce him into giving me those mix "recipes" so I can put them in the book.

The whole scrapbooks for the kitchen thing, kind of got me back into my crafting love. SO, since I don't really have much in the way of scrapbooking for anything else, I'm actually painting. I wanted to try a button tree painting, and then wound up buying a pack of 7 canvases for pretty cheap, and then one thing lead to another and WALLAH! So I still have only those 7 canvases for things other than personal projects, but it's still fun. I have SO MANY IDEAS about what would be SO COOL on canvas, or on a wall, or anything like that, but money is a factor. I currently don't have the money to fuel this yet, and we don't have the space for 7 canvases that don't really fit in with any room in anything in apartment - a few of them do, but we don't have enough wall space to not make things look cluttered and awful.

I'm selling my stuff on Etsy! I'm going to try posting the paintings I make - and did I mention Tristan is going to carve for the store too? - here and then if you're interested you can look at our store! But yes! I'm an entrepreneur! I am working half from home half from PetSmart and hopefully will be able to find another job to fuel my savings account, and start selling paintings to fuel my want to create more art!

My little Je bear? He's sick. When I moved here, I found that he lost a lot of fur and got kind of skinny, I didn't think anything of it at first because the stress of moving, and then moving to a hotter climate - ferrets have a summer and a winter coat, just like most dogs and tend to lose weight in hotter temperatures - and then we added to his stress by having to fight off a huge flea infestation. I thought by now he would be better. And then I found that every other day - or so it seems - he has diarrhea. Its not consistent, which is terrifying, and he gets plenty of vitamins. He's continually losing fur, and weight, and is aggressive towards the cat now - he never was before and he's lived with cats and dogs all of his life - and can actually get kind of lethargic. I have never seen him sleep so much while he's in his cage, and he's not playing for as long before he lays down exhausted when he's out of his cage. SO I took him to the vet. And $150, two medications, and a blood workup later, Je not only has ear mites - not serious and currently being treated - but also has a lump in his abdomen... The vet said that it COULD just be a swollen lymph node, since he's sick, but it could also be a tumor. I don't remember what kind of tumor she said it would be, but I'm pretty sure that after my research today, it is inoperable. The doctor started telling me that his just being sick, might lead him to be grumpier, more tired, and have a decrease in fur. But the tumor - which could cause the vet to diagnose hypoglycemia - is also a much more logical conclusion. BUT We are currently force feeding meds to the poor guy and will be seeing my favoritest veterinarian in a couple of weeks, and then we will have more information! Fingers crossed people, fingers crossed.

I think that's all for now... I think... sorry for the novella of an update into our lives, but there it is!

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