Thursday, July 19, 2012

Stars on the Wall

I have never been very good at this whole Blogging thing. I have started many MANY blogs in an attempt to just randomly post stuff about my life - fun stories, sad stories, random stories - you know, the 'keep people updated on my life' type of stories. Whether people are reading my stories or not, I'm going to try to keep up with them, to post them when they happen. I'm gonna try to keep up with my other blogs too, to post what I deem to be "good" pictures, and "good" works of art that I create. But this one, this one will just be my life. So here's the scoop on ME. What am I all about? I'm young. Well, youngish. Not even able to drink I'm 19 1/2 years old. My first year of college turned out to be my worst year of school yet. I went into my freshman year of college as a hopeful psychology major and came out as a beaten, battered and bruised Zoology major who was looking to change to Animal Science. Originally hailing from a small town in Ohio, I recently decided to move in with my childhood best friend and boyfriend of almost a year in South Carolina. I currently don't have work, although I'm looking, and don't plan on returning to school for at least a year. Most of my stories will probably come from my pets, currently my boyfriend and I have two cats - Eeva, the Kitten and Sarafina, the three legged cat - a Betta named Allistor and a Ferret named Jelani - Usually called Je. So why the title for the Blog? Well, aside from the obvious Dr. Who reference - did I mention I'm a bit of a geek? - in my recent move and all that I'm doing now, the realization that life is incredibly short has hit me like a semi. You can't blink for long or you'll miss some of the life you're creating or have created. If you blink for even a moment, you're missing out on something. So, here's me, trying not to miss out, and trying to keep the stories of my life in something other than my crappy memory.

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